
School­ Wide Positive Behavior Support System

Vare­-Washington prescribes to a tiered structure of recognizing the positive in each and everyone of our students while also holding students accountable for their actions. This tiered system is known as Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS).

Through our PBIS system, ClassDojo, students have the opportunity to earn merit points. Merit points can be given out by any staff member and acknowledge students for performing actions that relate to Vare­-Washington’s Core Values:

Core Values

Family ­ “We protect and respect one another”
Outcomes ­ “You will know us by our work”
Compassion ­ “We notice. We feel. We act.”
Unstoppable ­ “We find a way or we make one”
Service  “We rise by lifting others.”

Students who earn 30 merits in a month are eligible to participate in exclusive monthly school ­wide celebrations! These can include, but are not limited to, special field trips, merit malls where students can purchase prizes, movie celebrations, and much much more!