Culturally Responsive-Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

At Vare-Washington, we use Culturally Responsive-Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) to teach students behavior norms, acknowledge positive behaviors, and handle behavioral concerns consistently. We want to create a community of belonging and shared responsibility for positive learning experiences.

The PBIS program at our school is designed to promote a positive school environment by recognizing and rewarding students for their good behavior, which significantly contributes to their academic success and social development. We believe that a supportive community can make a significant impact on the students’ lives, and your involvement would be invaluable.

Our Vare-Washington students are taught and encouraged to follow and demonstrate the following Norms:

  • Safe
  • Respectful
  • Responsible
  • Prepared


Through the PBIS Rewards App, students earn 1 point for following each norm. Every month, students can use their points to purchase items at the PBIS Tiger Mart. We also have monthly events students attend based on criteria. The criteria needed to attend the events changes each month but could be: grades, attendance, points, behavior, and/or acts of service.

PBIS Parent Engagement Letter

Learn more HERE.